Täsmätyö is a sub-site of Eezy's employment services, which presents a new type of job search support service for job seekers and job providers.
The implementation of the precision work started with the definition of the graphic look. Since the customer was Eezy with its ready-made brand expressions, the design language defined by it became the starting point. However, Täsmätyö.fi eventually differentiated itself into a recognizable and unique brand based on the customer's wishes. However, Eezy's design language can still be seen in the clarity of the logo and the nature of the typography. At the same time, the color scheme was renewed to make it fresher.
The site itself is structurally a quite traditional multi-page site, with blog and contact pages. However, accessibility was especially raised as the basic pillars of the design, which on this page means clarity, a logical and intuitive structure, and also the possibility of enlarging fonts.
Täsmätyö.fi represents freestyle and a slightly modern look, still sharing Eezy's design language in many ways, but now shaping the subject from its own starting points.